[Review] One week with the Surface 3 … I love it!

Almost exactly one month ago on the 26th of August I became aware of an online tombola to win a Surface 3 by the weblog AmbassadorBase. Here you can find the original post of the tombola (German). In a second post they showed the creative posts of the contestants so far. The idea was to … Continue reading [Review] One week with the Surface 3 … I love it!

[SSIS Errors] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process

This is an error message that took me a few hours because I could not find that particular solution on the internet and … I did not look properly at the SSIS output So I’d like to share it with you. Information: 0x402090DC at Load Observations, Flat File Destination [268]: The processing of file “D:\test\Log.txt” … Continue reading [SSIS Errors] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process

what3words in R: threewords V0.1.0 and my own language extension

Recently I scrolled through the list of recently published R packages when something caught my eye: threewords: Represent Precise Coordinates in Three Words which sounded interesting. What is what3words? The about page of their website explains it very well. what3words is an alternative to represent coordinates using exactly three words (instead of GPS coordinates for … Continue reading what3words in R: threewords V0.1.0 and my own language extension

Statistical tests: One sample t-test in R

This is the second post about statistical testing. In the first one I explained the principal concept behind statistical tests. Parametric tests are, in contrast to non-parametric tests, statistical tests that make some kind of assumption about the data. In general parametric tests are used when we assume normality for the source population of our … Continue reading Statistical tests: One sample t-test in R

Tractive GPS & Tractive Dog Walk

In one of my first posts in this blog I wrote a review about my Tractive GPS Pet Tracker. I have also commented on the app Pet Manager LITE/PRO which was their app for both tracking your pets (useful for cats and dogs) and recording your walks (mostly useful for dogs). Since then they have … Continue reading Tractive GPS & Tractive Dog Walk

First steps in QGIS (including installation on OS X)

Last week I visited a geo data talk at Linuxwochen Linz which was mainly about the tool QGIS. The talk was held by two guys who also write this blog. I am planning to work more with geo data in the future so I installed QGIS and tried a simple example. Installation on OS X … Continue reading First steps in QGIS (including installation on OS X)

Statistical testing: An introduction

I am planning to write about parametric and non-parametric testing but since I know that many people have difficulties with the concept of hypothesis testing itself, I am going to give an introduction to the basic concepts first without immediately trying to frighten you. In general, a statistical test consists of four steps: Formulate the … Continue reading Statistical testing: An introduction

[Planung #2] BroPas / ØresundBizz

Vor kurzem haben wir ja noch überlegt, wie wir am besten nach Schweden kommen. Nach längerem Überlegen haben wir dann beschlossen, dass uns die Option eine Fähre zu nehmen zu unflexibel ist und eigentlich mehr Zeit kostet als die längere Route über Dänemark zu nehmen. Wenn wir diese Route nehmen, müssen wir zwei Brücken queren: … Continue reading [Planung #2] BroPas / ØresundBizz