One sentence that perfectly describes me?
I am a crazy cat lady who also happens to like programming, statistics, data science, geocaching, reading and climbing.
The longer version …
Currently I am working as a data scientist after I finished my masters degree in bioinformatics in February 2016. At the moment my most used programming languages are C# and R. Since I think you can do really cool things with R although they are often not very intuitive, I am going to write some introductory posts about it.
In my free time I enjoy outdoor activities like walking with our dog, geocaching and climbing. Geocaching is the main reason why I started this blog, I was not very happy with the antipode calculators and coordinate tools that are available online, so I decided to implement them on my own. These will be coming soon (they are still not here yet, I know :()! From that point I decided that I should create a website/blog, because there might other tools be coming up that I miss and want to publish somewhere.
I also like to read, especially crime novels and thriller, play with my cats and sometimes cook or bake.
If you are interested what I am up to check out the blog, my projects, my github repo or my twitter account.
About our cats
As a crazy cat lady, I have to introduce my cats!
Minerva is our first cat and she is a very special cat. Besides loving to sit in the dish washer and drinking from the basin she prefers to be outside. She does not like to be petted very much and she absolutely hates cuddling.

Maya was the second cat to come to us and she loves cuddling a lot and can sleep for hours.

Teddy came to us with three sisters because he is one of Maya’s babies (he still is a baby). He is the laziest cat I know so far, he literally can not walk for more than a couple of meters without falling down and asleep. Teddy (also called Teddl or Taddl) is probably also the cat with the greatest lack of intelligence. It takes about two minutes for him to forget that he had been fed.

He is not a cat, but not any less important 🙂 Hari is a dachshund, who came to us from a pet shelter. He loves to sleep, walk and join our geocaching tours.

Hi Verena,
I hope you are doing well.
I am writing to you today because I’d like to send you complimentary review copy of the book Machine Learning with PyTorch and Scikit-learn, a special PyTorch book from the widely acclaimed and bestselling Python Machine Learning series by Sebastian Raschka, Yuxi (Hayden) Liu and Vahid Mirjalili. Previous editions of this series have sold around 100K copies and been translated into German, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Polish, and Italian. The book is currently due for publishing in February 2022.
Updated to cover deep learning using PyTorch, this book introduces readers to its new PyTorch features, as well as the latest additions to scikit-learn.
Here’s the book link:
Would you be interested in receiving a complimentary copy of book for your review?
Please let me know what you think about it and if I should send a copy of the book for you.
Hi Monika!
Thanks for the offer, I really appreciate it! If the offer still stands, I’d love to review the book.
Best regards